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Billy Mathison

Full-Stack Software Developer


I am a problem solver.

I spent 16 years working in mental health, helping others solve their problems. Eventually I came to the realization that while I loved helping clients through their problems, ultimately I had no control over the final outcome.

What I love most about being a software developer is that I have the ability to solve any problem. I still have the satisfaction of breaking something apart and trying to understand what the issue is. Now, I also get to solve that problem. There is something so incredibly satisfying about not only being able to understand the problem, but being able to create a solution and implement it.

Software development has allowed me to expand upon a part of my previous career that I enjoyed most while also providing the ability to directly solve a problem.


Work Experience

ITG - Tristar Division
Nashville Software School
  • Source code version control with Git/GitHub
  • Project management/tracking with Github Projects & Issue Tracking
  • JavaScript fundamentals leveraging DRY, modular, readable code and reusable components
  • Built single-page applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript libraries including React
  • Task Automation with Grunt: Linting with ESLint
  • Module bundling with Browserify
  • Styled applications with CSS Frameworks Bootstrap and Reactstrap
  • Application design through white boarding dependencies and building ERD’s
  • Executed projects in an Agile environment, including ticketing, testing, daily stand-ups, pair-programming, and team retrospectives
  • Used C#/ASP.Net to develop a full-stack MVC web application with a RESTful API that enables users CRUD functionality for resources in a SQL database
2017 - 2018
  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling for substance abuse
  • Conducted intake assessments
  • Participated in weekly team treatment meetings
2016 - 2017
Kathryn Steele, Psy. D.
  • Administration and scoring of tests including: WAIS-IV, WMS-IV, DKEFS, MMPI-II RF, CVLT-II, MCMI-IV, RBANS Update
  • Technologies used included Kareo, Q-interactive, Q-global, E-fax
  • Wrote Psychological and Neuropsychological reports
  • Insurance coding and billing
  • Accounts Receivable
2008 - 2017
Roy Asta, MD

(January 2010 – September 2017) Billing Specialist (Part-time)

  • Medical billing and coding, patient billing, accounts receivable, account auditing, and credentialing
  • Technologies used included MS Word, Excel, and Therapist Helper

(January 2010 – July 2015) Counselor (Part-time)

  • Individual counseling
  • Intake of opiate dependent patients

(April 2008 – January 2010) Office Manager (Full-time)

  • Managed daily activities of office including reception, medical billing, coding, patient billing, accounts receivable, medical authorizations, prior authorization for medications, credentialing, scheduling, purchasing, networking, maintenance of machinery, IT, and filing
  • Technologies used included MS Word, Excel, and Therapist Helper
  • Counseled patients over the phone during crisis
  • Medical transcription
  • In-depth training of new employees
  • Placate and/or control hostile patients as necessary
  • Familiar with medications frequently prescribed in the clinic
Scales Nutrition and Wellness Center
2012 - 2016
  • Group counseling for eating disorders and substance abuse
Behavioral Health Group
2012 - 2014
  • Substance abuse individual counseling
  • Group counseling
Private Practice
2011 - 2015
  • Individual counseling


Dram application


For my front-end capstone at Nashville Software School I created Dram. Dram is a single page whiskey tasting application which allows users to participate in live whiskey tastings, view and share their reviews instantly, and provide searchable historical data. I built the application using React and used reactstrap for styling. Dram was tested at a live whiskey tasting in which 10 people utilized the application to participate in a blind tasting while saving their ratings and reviews.

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Nutshell application


I built a project with 4 teammates that was a social media platform called Nutshell. This was our third group project at Nashville Software School and we used HTML, CSS, Javascript, CRUD functionality, API fetch calls, Flexbox, Visual Studio Code, Git, Github, http-server, json-server, Bootstrap, Grunt, and Browserify to build the website. During this project I learned to use more GitHub features including creating, reading, and completing issues, and card flow in the project session. I also gained experience using Browserify and Bootstrap in building a website.

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1000Words application


For my back-end capstone at Nashville Software School I created 1000Words. 1000Words is an interactive photo album which allows users to talk about their photos and tag them with keywords using speech-to-text technology. 1000Words allows users to search through all of their photos quickly using only keywords or dates, significantly decreasing the amount of time needed to find photos. I built the application using C#, ASP.Net MVC, Entity Framework, Identity Framework, Recorder.js, and Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API.

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HTML 5 CSS Javascript React C Sharp DotNet Core SQLServer
Reactstrap Bootsrap Azure Data Studio Git Github Grunt JSON
Node Package Manager Postman Browserify Visual Studio Code Visual Studio
